So, I thought I KNEW without a doubt that we wanted to get ND next year, but after talking to another farmer who has mini-Nubians, I don't know. So, not trying to stir up anything, but can some of you tell me why you choose one over the other, or if
My 8 week old buckling scratched his disbudd scab off and now that it is off, he continues to scratch and it bleeds. It seems to clot fast but I can't keep him from scratching it. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I was looking for
Need an opinion- I am using a service buck. My doe is not real long in body - has always been 5 lbs. smaller than her sister. She is one of the more "compact" does.
There are 2 bucks I have access to, close, one shorter in body, more round in th
My first kidding season is fast approaching. I am anticipating 5. I have been gathering necessities here and there as we need them, however my Hoegers list is still a mile long. Even though I know a lot of what is on it will not be recurring costs my
does anyone grow and mix their own grain formula? Everything I read says you need all sorts of chemicals and supplements. Our grandparents didn't do this, does anyone feed just FOOD? In past years I had Nubians and fed them sweet feed, never had a p
I got three goats this summer (my first goats) and two of them are mother and son. I have been milking Mom and trying to get her to wean her little one for several months. I had them separate for over a month and thought I had it done but now they
Where do I start since my little goat has never been fed anything on purpose? She was used as a "lot cleaner" in town. I'd like to get her as healthy as possible, so what do I focus on? Are there any special steps to take?
I have been feeding sweet feed goat ration since I got my goats. I also have read everything I can about goat nutrition. The goats were not cleaning up their small cup of grain each day and I wondered why. I had thrown some sunflower seeds in and
I have four kids and the most healthy was found dead one morning last week. The day before he died at noon he was fine. He ate 7 ounces (of which I feed 4 times a day) and he was jumping around etc. At 4 he seemed a little shy or something but still
My usually docile older goat has had an abrupt change in behavior. She is pushy, boosy and a chow hound. I think we have a close kidding. The reason I only think is that she was with the buck several times from July 21 until Mach 17.
This morning was sucky. I found our 4.5 month old buckling dead in the barn. He was intended to be one of our herd sires. When we did chores last night he seemed totally fine. He had free access to hay and water. He was in with 8 adult goats who all
We have a doe that is pregnant and has very dry, flaky skin. My husband has looked at the flakes under the microscope and says that he cannot see lice. The flaky skin is even above her eye lids and under her chin. Is there something to give her? W
We recently moved all of our chickens and now they are sharing a field with our goats for part of the day. For years, I've been feeding my chickens scraps. (Everything from greens, pasta, bread and squash...etc)
Alright, so I noticed that Isabels eyelids were pale and under the advisement of my wonderful mentor I gave her Ivomec and after the second dose I had not seen much improvement. While I was away at an overnight babysitting job David said
Maybe I am just too worried about her...what is natural for health, activitiy, eating habits, discharge and anything else I should know a week, two weeks, three weeks and so on after kidding? Is it normal that she doesn't want to be with the kids exc
Hello I just signed up to the site. Very happy to be able to talk about goats with other goat lovers. My herd name is Room For 1 More because every time you turn around I end up with another animal and not always goats. I own 9 goats. 5 does, 3 bucks
Hi all- i am hoping to find someone in the Boulder Colorado or nearby area that I can visit to get ideas for my Nigerian goats. I am fairly new to this- have had my 3 girls since June and also a Billy goat.
bred a doe on Nov 9th. heat behavior on the 27th. ran out of fenced area to edge of field, bleating. next day noticed bloody tinged tail hair on edges. nothing coming from vagina, however. still fence watching, appetite slight, calling out. tod