My 8 week old buckling scratched his disbudd scab off and now that it is off, he continues to scratch and it bleeds. It seems to clot fast but I can't keep him from scratching it. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I was looking for a goat football helmet for him.
Also, he had a little diarrhea last night that smelled horrible. I don't think it is too serious, as I gave him a 10cc dose of Molly's Herbal hours earlier and I think that was probably the cause but I have been asking around about cocci drugs. My vet said that I should use CoRid because the sulfa drugs cause crystals in their something, I think he might have said liver. I have researched this online and I can only find negative things about CoRid and not about sulfa drugs. He did explain that CoRid is what he uses on cows and sheep as we ended the conversation. That seemed to suggest a sense of insecurity in what he was saying. I am not sure, though. I purchased the sulfa drugs online last night but since my buckling has diarrhea, I am a bit worried now and am looking for some treatment, today because it will take it at lest 3 days to get here, probably more. Should I go ahead and use CoRid for a couple of days?
James Samuel Sturgill said:
I have called two vet offices and all of the local farm supply stores this morning. No farm store has a Albon or Di-methox and the vets act like they have never heard of someone giving Albon to a goat and they both tell me to use CoRid, even though they have Albon. I explained that I have read in many places on the internet that CoRid blocks vitamin B and such and both have said something to the nature of, "well, that is what we have always used."
Urgg. Thanks, though. I am not sure what I am going to do. I may just wait until the Di-Methox that I ordered gets here and give Molly's Herbal until then.
Thanks again for your quick response.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said: