Kidding (436)

Kidding Difficulties

Hello! I have a goat, who in the past, has had difficult kiddings. The first kidding happened two weeks before her due date (Bred: 11\12\18? Due Date: 4\11\19 Kidded on: 3\30\19) . The kid was born with its head touching its spine, thankfully it was

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20 Replies
Views: 567

Bleeding during pregnancy

Last year I had a doe miscarry and Deborah mentioned that bleeding is not always a sign of miscarriage. The doe last year did miscarry but she bled bright red blood for 4 days. She was 8 weeks along. Now today I let my girls out of the barn to find a

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3 Replies
Views: 253

Doe turned aggressive

Last year, I had to help my 4 year old ND doe (her first kidding) with a very large stuck baby. The kid was over 4 lbs, head first, but front legs back. So hard to get hold of to help, and it took so long the baby died. (No vets available as they wer

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4 Replies
Views: 136

A strange bad year

Hello all,

I just had the worst weird kidding season. I bred 3 of my does for late summer early fall so far so good there I breed them for that because our winters are terrible at this elevation, now here is the weird part Maddie had a single bucklin

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12 Replies
Views: 211

Weak kid

I have a kid who was born yesterday and I’m trying to determine if she is just tiny and weak or if there is something else going on like a selenium issue or other problem. Her front legs are perfectly strong and normal but her back legs are very weak

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4 Replies
Views: 98

Singleton Nursing...

I have a buckling who is a week old. We lost his sister (that's another post) so he is alone. We had a rough start with momma (FF) not wanting him...was 5 hours before he nursed much...but now he is nursing well, though he does have a side preference

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2 Replies
Views: 376


Earlier in the fall I bought a new doe that Inintensed to practice AI on. It soon became evident that I would not get the chance to do that because she was already pregnant. When I brought this up to the seller she kind of said oops sometimes my buck

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Views: 76

How much milk to keep on hand

I have a doe who has a single (twin died during birth). I have been milking her from day 1 and froze the colostrum for emergencies. I am wondering how much milk should I keep in the freezer for future kids that might need it? I do not bottle raise, b

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Views: 68

Our First Kid!!!

We had our first kid born last night!  He was a singleton buck and is the cutest little guy we've ever see.  The delivery went well and was very quick...or at least it was a lot quicker then I was imagining it would be. 

Our doe is a FF and was very

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8 Replies
Views: 181
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