Thrifty Homesteader Team left a comment for Beth
"Welcome to the group! We hope you'll take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little about your goats or your plans for goats in the forum!"
Thrifty Homesteader Team left a comment for Grisel Juarez
"Welcome to the group, Grisel! We hope you'll take a moment to introduce yourself in the forum and tell us about your goats!

Here are articles you might find helpful.

Beginner’s Guide to Raising Goats:…"
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a discussion
As goat owners, understanding diseases that can affect our herds is crucial for maintaining healthy animals and preventing the spread of illnesses. In this episode, Deborah Niemann is joined…
Thrifty Homesteader Team replied to Tayla's discussion Kid favoring a leg?
"You’re welcome! If you have any other questions, let us know."
Feb 25
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a discussion
When our does have trouble conceiving, our minds often tend to go toward infectious causes. But there are non-infectious causes of infertility to consider as well.
Feb 19
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a discussion
In this episode, host Deborah Niemann shares the emotional and educational story of Caboose, the first goat on her farm to undergo a C-section. As part of the podcast’s fifth-anniversary…
Feb 15
Thrifty Homesteader Team left a comment for Tirzah M Petropulos
"Welcome to the group! We hope you'll take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little about your goats or your plans for goats in the forum.

Here's an article on Goat Birthing: A Beginner’s Guide.…"
Feb 14
Thrifty Homesteader Team left a comment for Taylor Case
"Welcome to the group, Taylor! We hope you'll take a moment to introduce yourself in the forum and tell us about your goats!"
Feb 14
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a video
For the Love of Goats is five years old! As we enter our sixth year, you can continue to count on us to help you cut through the clutter of conflicting information out there so that you can be confident that your goats will be living their best…
Feb 13
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a discussion
The answer to, “When can I start milking my doe?” is not as simple as listing the specific age of the kids. In this episode, we are discussing the complexities of sharing milk with baby…
Feb 12
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a video
Have you ever wondered how much weight a goat gains during pregnancy? We've got a spreadsheet for that! Bonus: this also makes a free and accurate pregnancy test!
Check out my free kidding course:
Check out my…
Feb 11
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a discussion
In this deeply personal and emotional episode, host Deborah Niemann shares the heartbreaking story of her goat, Coco, who experienced a uterine rupture and hemorrhage during a…
Feb 10
Thrifty Homesteader Team left a comment for Billie Jo
"Welcome to the group! We hope you'll take a moment to introduce yourself in the forum and tell us about your goats!"
Feb 7
Thrifty Homesteader Team left a comment for Robert Davis
"Welcome to the group, Robert! We hope you'll take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little about your goats or your plans for goats in the forum!

Here's an article on Goat Birthing: A Beginner's Guide.…"
Feb 7
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a video
What do you do when a mama won't let a baby nurse? Should you file the baby goat's teeth? I was an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in a previous life, which means I know a fair amount about the mechanics of nursing, which works…
Jan 29
Thrifty Homesteader Team posted a discussion
As goat owners in America, we know the challenges we face in caring for our herds here at home. But what is it like to breed and raise goats in another country?
In this episode, Sue Ludwig…
Jan 29

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  • Hello everyone! Thank you for the warm welcome. My name is Elena and I'm new to Nigerian Dwarfs. My daughter rescued a 3 year old last year from a herd that was bullying her. That was our first one and she's been on our homestead with our donkey for the past year. My daughter has been the one to care for them up until now that I'm taking a more active role. I just purchased 3 more NDs this weekend. 2 wethers and a doe, all 6 months old. This is all very new to me, but I'm excited.
  • Hello All! Thank you for accepting me. I am getting my goats next week. New goat owner. And so excited. My goal is to raise them for milk and to make cheese to sell locally. I have always loved goats and look forward to continuing to learn more. We have gotten everything ready for them and can't wait!!!
  • Hello group. GlennArt Farm has been in existance since 2011. In 2023, we accidently became a Mini goat santuary. For 2024 we will have two retired full size Saanan goats and our five mini goats. Thank you for you support of goat care. I have admired and communicated with Deborah Neimann for several years. We are providing the Chicago public with a 'farm experience."

    David and I are taking a long transition vacation from September to January. We are seeking a place for our full size goats (3) to dry out and board until we get back. If you have space and interest in milk for the fall please contact us at
    Carolyn Ioder
  • Good Day,

    How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you,but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( ) for the full details.Have a nice day
    Thanks God bless.

  • Thank you! Am delighted to find this group!


  • Thanks for the addition to the group!  We have Miss Marvel (almost 2), her two babies, Jackson and Penny and then two other sisters, Thelma and Louise.  4296715179?profile=RESIZE_710x4296718484?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Thank you. Looking forward to learning as much as possible. I will get my doe and buck soon.

  • Thanks, Aimelyn. Good to be here. Not familiar with the format yet, but hope to get good with it over the next few months.
  • Thanks for adding me. We live in South Central Akaska and have a small one acre farm. We have 2 goats, several ducks and chickens and several meat rabbits as well. I plan to start a small herd and milk my does. 

  • Thank you 

    we live in Pennsylvania in orwigsburg 

    we have 4 weathers since July of 2019 they are under a year old. We are new to the goat thing but so far we absolutely love them. 3780854630?profile=RESIZE_710x

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