Kidding (436)

Soy beans for goats?

Hi all

looking for some wisdom and advice on dry season goat feed.  I've found a new (to me) product that they are calling soy beans, but its mushed up crumbly bits so I'm guessing its the skins of the beans that have been soaked and put through a g

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Views: 220

The hardest week ever

We have had ND goats for several years which means with 10 does we have had many kiddings - all without any major issues.   Last Monday our 3 year old Hali delivered three beautiful doelings.  She did well for the first day, but by that night she was

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13 Replies
Views: 728

Engorged udder

Hi friends! I am new to the page and have had goats for two years, but this is my first year where my doe has kidded and I am nervous! She had two babies three nights ago. This is her first freshening. I am worried the babies are not getting enough m

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5 Replies
Views: 948

Pregnancy signs or lack of

When should a first freshener start to show clear udder development and vulvar swelling. My other doe came to me pregnant and had a small udder and swollen vulva by three months post breeding. She was not a first freshener though. My current doe was

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4 Replies
Views: 170

Our Second Go-Round


I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this forum. Some nights I spend hours reading old threads and (hopefully) absorbing valuable information and experiences from all of you.

This coming Monday will be day 145 for our little doe, whose bod

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Views: 73

Bottle Baby Routines

Hello: Looking for some of you to share your bottle baby routines/processes... like:

1. what do you use as milk replacer

2. how often, and how much should the baby be fed

2. can the bottle baby be kept with the others, or must it be kept separate and

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2 Replies
Views: 293

Overdue goat

Hi group, I have a goat over due. She was exposed only once, and the day was written down. She is on day 153, and showing no signs of impending labor. She is a ff, pregnancy confirmed by byopryn just a month and a half ago because although I never sa

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16 Replies
Views: 2461

Trembling kid

Yesterday I had my three 1 week old kids disbudded by the vet.  Everything went well.  This afternoon he must have knocked one of his horns, blood was gushing every where.  Luckily we caught it within 10 minutes of it happening.  I brought him in to

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3 Replies
Views: 748

Tube feeding

Have a baby that I have to tube feed. -(. It weighs 2 .2 lbs. fed it 1 1/2 ounce hour and half ago. Told that too much. Help. Weak, kid, no suck reflex, all day. Breech birth with hock bent against pelvic of mom. Different birth for all!

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7 Replies
Views: 345

Udder development

I keep hearing different things so I wanted to ask you guys. Do first fresheners bag up sooner or later than past fresheners? Also do first fresheners have smaller udders? My does udder seems to be gradually getting fuller. She is a rescue and is not

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2 Replies
Views: 483

Big Kids & Grain!!

Good morning,

I was reading through several forum posts in the "Birth Announcements" section here last night, just to further prepare myself and pass the time while I wait for my first mama-to-be to kid. I saw a big discussion on the topic of feedin

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9 Replies
Views: 147

Post Freshening Discharge

I had a first-time freshener give birth to twins on April 2. The kids are healthy and great. Mama is eating, drinking, pooping, peeing, allowing kids to nurse, no fever, etc. However, we didn't see her pass her placenta, but are pretty sure she ate i

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Views: 55
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