Kidding (436)

Ginger lost her twins

Rather then re-type this, I have copied it from my page at - I hope that does not offend anyone.  Regardless of what you are told; if you have questions, call your vet!!!  The very last sentence *is* absolute truth.



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14 Replies
Views: 329

Kidding Must-Haves?

My doe, Willow, has a kidding date of April 13, 2016, so I'm starting to add more to my goat kit, so as to cover kidding needs. The only thing is, I have no idea what I should add. Someone mentioned that I'll want to have some milk replacer on hand.

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Views: 106

Difficult birthing

This doe started with long mucus string hanging noticed around 7:@m, she panted standing up looking depressed with her head down all day and finally around 6:pm started pushing and had two breach babies, tail first. Then a third, tail first as well a

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5 Replies
Views: 146

Know your dosages

Have to share this. We all know things could go array but just don't think it really will. Just read on another site, someone with standard goats, dosed her goat kids per her vet, with Mu-Se. She had 4, it killed everyone of them. I have vaguely hear

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10 Replies
Views: 257

goat in labor?

I have a doe that is due today or Tuesday depending on which breeding "took."

She is not acting herself. She is not eating or drinking all day. She is visibly not feeling well. She is shaking, and will not integrate with the herd. Im pretty sure she

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4 Replies
Views: 190

Early Abortion

This kidding season is the worst I've experienced so far. The latest blow is one of my favorite does having an early abortion. She was only about two months along. I noticed last night she has blood matted in her tail. I checked for injury but couldn

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20 Replies
Views: 637

bleeding1 week after birth

I know that does can bleed a bit for up to 2 weeks after birthing, but how much blood is considered normal and when is it a concern?  My doe kidded with 3 (2 bucklings and one tiny doeling who is doing well now) last Friday.  Today she started bleedi

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Views: 134
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