Feeding an orphaned kid

Anyone any thoughts on which of these options that are available here would be best to feed an orphaned kid?

-powdered milk (for human consumption)

-powdered baby milk

-sheep  milk (fresh)

-cows milk (fresh)


-water plus whatever would be good, eg salt, molasses.........?

The kid is 2 days old and has had some colostrum from its mother before she died....



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  • Thanks everyone.  I went to visit him last night, he is such a little cutie and ran straight up to us looking to suck.  Hope he makes it!

  • I'm so sorry you lost your doe.

  • I'd go with the fresh cow milk. Sheep milk is much higher in fat than goat milk. I've raised NDs on cow milk, so I know it works. You might mix the cow and sheep about 1/3 sheep and 2/3 cow, and you'd get close to the ND butterfat. Having the antibodies is especially important for the baby, so that's why the fresh milk would be best.

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