Breeding (384)

Breeding age

What’s the earliest that you guys will breed a doe age wise? I have a doe that is 6 mo old but she’s already over 60lbs and 18inches tall. I usually wait until my does are 10mo but it usually takes them that long to be that size. I have access to a g

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Views: 146

To breed again or not?

My 4 year old Nigerian doe had to have a c-section this year. This was her 4th kidding and the first time that she has needed any sort of assistance. Her first kidding she had triplets, second was twin bucks, third was quads. This time was twin bucks

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Views: 91


What are some signs that a buck is infertile besides being unable to settle a doe? What about a buck that never comes into rut? Never attempts to breed does in heat? Never gets musky or attempts to pee on himself... what could these be signs of? Othe

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Views: 143

I’m bewildered

Hi everybody, I’m Cathy and I’m new to the group. I need a group where I can learn and ask or answer questions. I have a herd of 14 ND. Ten of my dies are bred, so more to come! My problem is that I released my buck in with my does on the last week o

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Views: 151

Bucks Fighting

I had the first successful mating of my NG doe and buck today. That all went very well, but when I brought the buck back to their pen, he immediately began fighting with his pen mate. This was much more vigorous than I'd ever seen before; previously,

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Views: 216

False Negative?

Ok ladies I have a doe who is typically very regular in her heat cycles. She came into heat at the end of September and I AI’d her. I thought I got the timing really well but it’s still AI so I wasn’t betting on a sure thing. Three weeks passed and n

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Views: 48

Doe rebred too soon

I had to leave town on short notice due to a death in my family in early May. My neighbor stepped in last minute to watch my goats for the two weeks I was gone. She isn’t really familiar with goats but she was my only option at the time. She did grea

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Views: 84
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