Breeding (384)

Cystic ovaries?

I have a doe who acts very bucky when in heat. She mounts the other does, does the tongue flapping and makes awful groaning / screaming sounds. The sounds coming out of her are pretty intense, you would think she is being tortured. The other does are

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Views: 168

Evaluating Buckling

Can someone point me towards a good source of information on how to evaluate a buckling?  I am not finding it in the archives, maybe I am not using the correct search terms.  I am improving my heard and until now have not had to do this, all my doeli

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Views: 330

companion goat

Hi! I had someone inquire about some bucklings I have for sale.  She is looking for a non registered goat as a companion priced under 200.00...she is located in clark county Missouri and her father is disabled and not able to travel that far (im in s

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Views: 78

Which buck?

I looked at two bucks today.  Before I went out, I was sure which one I wanted to breed my girls to.  I have two to breed. However, when I went out there, the original one I went to see was very appealing but then I looked at her second buck and he i

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Views: 195

Too many mele

Hi everyone and Deborah,

Im selecting a buck for my 5 year old doe, Macchitta, and have some questions I'd like some guidance on, please. 

I've breed her two times to a first buck, one male kid the first time and three males the second time. I chang

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Views: 207

Keeping a buck?

We are milking two ND does and are thinking of buying a buck (or two). We had heard that having a buck nearby can affect the taste of the milk? Is that much of a concern? And if so, how far apart would we need to keep the bucks from the does? Thanks!

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Views: 152

EmLab Pregnancy tests

I recently ordered pregnancy tests through EmLab and I wanted to share my exciting results!! It's the only test to my knowledge that uses urine. You add one mL of urine to the tube and if it turns green-blue it's positive. If it stays yellow it is ne

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Views: 1313

Estrus patterns

I was wondering if a doe's estrus pattern can change after kidding. Juniper is a seasonal breeder, and the past two years she didn't start coming into heat until the end of September. Her cycles have been on the long side, at least 48 hours.  

This y

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Views: 119

Doe Hormones and Breeding

Our doe went into heat over the past 2-ish days so yesterday, we took a quick field trip to have her bred.  We aren't positive the buck was successful but she was certainly cooperative!  My question is: how quickly should her hormones change?  She is

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Views: 122
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