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stayed up night with my pygmy doe . unfortunately she had delivered  twins ... well when i bought her in mid jan 2015 they said she should deliver late feb early march latest. so when we didn't see any  advancement in the process ,then we figured she

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5 Replies
Views: 124

Opinions on my doeling

What are your opinions on my doeling? Good and bad. She's about 5 months old. I know the pictures are not the greatest ( Its very difficult to take good pictures by yourself lol) I'm still fairly new to goats and still have a hard time judging confor

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2 Replies
Views: 207

Didn't quite do it

I tried to do the critique thing but failed - I have a picture of my goats udder in the show section and photo section with the word critique.

I failed in my following directions I guess - blame it on waiting for 3rd doe to kid.

Just curious what I

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1 Reply
Views: 100

Best clippers?

I hope this belongs here. I am in the market for my first clippers (I have show goats) and the good ones are too expensive to mess around buying a bunch to try them out. So, I'm asking for the benefit of your experience: which, do you think, are the

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1 Reply
Views: 1249

Kids on the Farm

My first kids to arrive on the farm, due November 30th

Vernal, the wether (right) & his sister Equinox (white face)2655739339?profile=RESIZE_320x320

Their Dam - Furthur Foolish Heart, first freshener.2655745161?profile=RESIZE_320x320

2655746759?profile=RESIZE_320x3202655743281?profile=RESIZE_320x320I would like to know what those more experienced with goat think of these kids and

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5 Replies
Views: 336

Critique my buck?

I put the picture in the wrong place; misunderstood Rachel W.'s critique requests information.

Anyway, if I can get the picture to load... I am hoping you experienced people can tell me what you think of my buck. (Not the best picture, hoping to get

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8 Replies
Views: 288

Critique my new doeling?

Got this beautiful girl from Anna at Camanna's Petite Paradise a couple weeks ago and she is just awesome. To me, she's perfect, but I wanted to know what you guys thought of her in terms of conformation. I want to know any strengths/weaknesses she h

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3 Replies
Views: 197

Which Breeder?

I'm very determined to get into dairy goat showing next year for 4-h/FFA, and after a bit of research, it was an easy decision to go with Nigerians! I will be moving to the Portland, Oregon area at the end of May, so I have no connections there to se

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83 Replies
Views: 2177

ADGA Transfer

So we bought a buck September 3, 2012 the day before the birth of my human kid. Now that life is somewhat returning to normal I went to get the paperwork ready to transfer...and it says by 120 days after sale. What do I do? ADGA is closed til Monday

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7 Replies
Views: 238
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