Tell me what you see with this udder

I know nothing about udders at this time - so what can anyone tell me about this.

I don't show but it is important that I understand how she is appearing so I can share the info with the breeder, and jot down notes for any daughters/sons owners.   This is from the morning of the day of birth (note teats straight down). She has long coat so you can't see much. She gave birth 5 hours after this shot.  First freshener - triplets. Seems to be managing them OK although one was born smaller - he seems to be holding his own.

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  • That's a nice udder for a first freshener. I always love to get pictures of my babies from their new owners, so I can see how they've matured. Looks high and wide with a nice MSL, although I could see more if you provided two pics -- one from directly behind her and one from the side. We can't see the fore udder in this shot or how the teats point.

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