Our doe went into heat over the past 2-ish days so yesterday, we took a quick field trip to have her bred. We aren't positive the buck was successful but she was certainly cooperative! My question is: how quickly should her hormones change? She is still acting very much in heat today, calling and trying to run off and find a buck at any opportunity. Does this mean she's likely not pregnant, or should I expect this cycle to follow a normal pattern either way?
I wasn't able to coordinate my schedule with the buck owner's for another visit, but we're in no rush. If she comes back into heat 21 days from now... well, maybe I'll drop her off for an overnight instead! I'm keeping my fingers crossed until then of course.. I'd love April babies.
Speaking only from my experience, I'd bring her back to the buck for another try. My Juniper tends to have a long standing heat period, and the only way I got her bred was to leave her with the buck till she was done. Does tend to ovulate towards the end of their cycle. Hopefully the buck has long-lasting sperm!