Eugene, OR
March 2
If you already have goats, what's your herd name?
Noahs Oak
If you have a website, what's the URL?
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Thanks for the help, Melissa. I'm treating the girls for lice. I'm actually in Alaska, and we still have lice issues even without heat and humidity. I just haven't had problems with any of my girls losing their fur because of lice, so I'm worried it's a deficiency issue. I gave them all a copper bolus and a bit of Bose, but am wondering if they need more zinc too.
BTW, meant to tell you that, I especially like Romeo's 8 month old pic. I think he looks pretty tuff in it too! He struck a really nice pose there. Love that deep Mahogany color especially with those eyes! I would love to get the color of that look in my herd one day!
Well, you may actually mean Oak, after all. He is on my profile pic! He is from Oldesouth farm! That was actually the first buck I found, but it took me longer to get him here. I bought him as a kid and he is not proven yet. He is 16 months now and has 4 wives, so hopefully soon he will have children. You couldn't ask for one to pose any better than he did in that pic. He really was strutin' his stuff wasn't he? He was just as beautiful, when I finally got to him in person too. Only now he is so black! You wouldn't believe how that hair has grown out all black looking! He is still really tiny and short! Hope he grows some more. Sure he will as he is not even a year and a half yet. But I certainly do not think he will ever go over size, that's for sure. He is as fat as a little pig. Looked pregnant when I got him and still does. Very easy keeper! A real sweetheart too!
ok, no longer confused. "Mature buck", yea now I know which one you mean. That is Quill! Isn't he something! And you would not believe the gorgeous kids he threw there for that farm. I still can't believe that they sold him to keep his GORGEOUS SON! I was suppose to get the son and they changed their minds (I literally cried and was heart broken)about selling. But, I was even happier when I got the dad instead, because I know when you find an animal you like you go to the father to get more like that. HAHA, now I have the daddy! He was only 13 months when I bought him and she had about 20 kids out of him. He had bred 4 of her does in one day and those 4 kidded on the same day with about 16 kids! I can't wait to see what he does here! Hope I get all those pretty moonspots he can throw! He is as sweet as he is beautiful. Wild as crap when I got him, but a real little loverboy now. Just plain rotten, is what he is!
Thanks Melissa, I love my boys and think they are very pretty too! However I went to look at the pics on my sight to see which buck you were talking about and I am a little confused. I am not sure if you are talking about Oak or Quill! Do you know which one it was? Bent Penny Acres And thank you soooo much for visiting our sight. We reeeeally appreciate that!
Hey Melissa! I made an a framed roof on my hives, with overlapping pieces. I made ventilation in the roof area that helps keep them cooler in the summer, and can be corked in winter to help hold heat in. (a hole at either end of the "gable". I have a door hole at the front and back side of the hive, and keep those open year round.
yes! That's all my artwork. I sell and teach on line. :) Thanks for the compliment!