Kidding (436)

Newborn's eye concern!

Looking for help or suggestions. I have twin, 24hr old does. 1/2 Nigerian and 1/2 Fainting goat. I believe they have blue eyes. One of them has very "cloudy" eyes. Today I am also seeing a red, inner, upper eyelid puffing down, partially covering the

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Views: 123

new born with lopsided head

First, congratulations to all the goat owners with new kids!

 One of my newborn doelings was born last night with a slightly lopsided head.  Also, her jaw just looks a bit too small for the rest of the head.  She is half, or less, the size of her sis

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7 Replies
Views: 152

Kidding questions

1.  My doe was 32 lb before breeding and has gained 16 lb.  We don't know the exact date of breeding but think she is about to go.  Is there any rule of thumb on how much a doe will gain?  Of course I know this will have something to do with how many

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11 Replies
Views: 295

wethering questions

Hi everyone!

Our little buckling Cappuccino (Cappy) is going to turn 3 months tomorrow. 

He is healthy and happy, and we are planning to wether him with our goat-mentor/whisperer in the next 1-2 days.  The method he always uses is to open the bottom

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Views: 92

Selenium before kidding

My does have 6 weeks to go before their due date.  I have had free choice Selenium out for them, but nobody touches the stuff!  The inhale the kelp, yeast, nibble on the Sweetlix mineral salts and baking soda, but noone seems to touch the Selenium.  

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4 Replies
Views: 83


one of the triplets has one ear that is not quite upright...I imagine it was kinda crowded inside of mama....they were born Tuesday......will this perhaps straighten up as he gets a little older?  I ve seen this happen with puppies; as long as you do

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2 Replies
Views: 74
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