Looking for help or suggestions. I have twin, 24hr old does. 1/2 Nigerian and 1/2 Fainting goat. I believe they have blue eyes. One of them has very "cloudy" eyes. Today I am also seeing a red, inner, upper eyelid puffing down, partially covering the iris, as well as tearing in both eyes. I thought she might be blind, but she is getting around pretty well. She does seem uncomfortable, as she closes her eyes and appears to sleep frequently. Last night she actually stood in the middle of the pen with her eyes closed. I thought she was sleeping, standing. It was late with dim lighting, so I was just happy to get them dry and nursing well. Should I lubticate? Medicate? Any ideas? I do have a call in to the vet, but I was told she is traveling today.
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Could you get a picture? To see if she's blind put her on top of something like a hay bale or a table and see if she walks off it. Obviously you want to be ready to catch her if she does.