Kidding (436)

Interesting kid picture

I had a photographer friend come - he requested that I allow him to take pictures of my goats. How could I say no!  He had such a great time - he wanted to come back and do some "formals". I didn't know what that meant but said sure....

Here is a pi

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Views: 119

pregnant doe

Our ND doe we bought "possibly" pregnant is now definitely pregnant.

About two weeks ago her vulva became noticeably swollen. Today I notice her right side is twice the size of her left and her rump almost seems to have caved in, resulting in flat sp

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55 Replies
Views: 1090


We had our first kidding almost 3 weeks ago (2 bucklings and a doeling) and it went really well! We disbudded on day 3 (or 4?). I wanted to do a third go around on each bud but my husband stopped me - he was really concerned about brain damage, etc.

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4 Replies
Views: 172

When to intervene

Ok, I am so new at this. I have one goat who kid last year and this year with no problems. Now I have a FF and things just seems to be different from the first goat. This one has been alone for almost 4 days now. She is my loud goat and has only made

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9 Replies
Views: 168

Weak kids

My Patches, 2 years old, just had her first kidding on the 4th of July. 3 came out well, and the last came out dead with placenta. She is a first time mom. Kids are not thriving, very sleepy, not seeming to eat much. They are pooping, bright yellow.

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11 Replies
Views: 202

regrowth after disbudding

About a week ago though I noticed scurs coming up in our 8 week old who we wethered yesterday.  Now they are in 3 places, about 1/2 inch tall and pretty thin (so they are kind of sharp).  What should I do?  I'm concerned about him hurting someone els

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Views: 86
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