Kidding (436)

Day 145

My FF is at day 145 today. She has gone through some major changes over the course of the day and I wanted to post pics to see what ya'll think. Tonight when I went out to put the goats up in the barn, her udder made me do a second take! It has defin

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19 Replies
Views: 286

Kids won't nurse!

I have a 2nd freshener who kidded this morning @ about 9am with triplets.  2 does and a buck.  I have yet to see either doe nurse.  When it went on for too long I put some colostrum in a bottle and the black doe sucked it down like a champ, the bucks

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11 Replies
Views: 114

False pregnancy questions

One first Freshener- Gabby produced triplets but our Xena also a first freshener had a positive pregnancy test in December but no babies and ultrasound showed no fetus.  My problem is she seems to be a hormonal mess.  She is behaving like a buck alte

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2 Replies
Views: 246

A Few Questions from a Lurker

Hello All!

I've been lurking here for quite some time.  I am so thankful for this resource! 

I kept Alpines many years ago, but had to give them up when I had my third child - too much lactating going on!  :)   Now that my kids are grown, I've got

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8 Replies
Views: 184

Signs of labor

My doe will be due soon and since this is her first as well as mine I want to make sure I'm there to help and/or root for her if necessary. Also I'd just like to watch babies get born :).

I know many of the signs of labor: Belly dropping, full udder,

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7 Replies
Views: 10893
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