Kidding (436)

Winged Predators??

One of my goats - when she was 1 day old and over with her breeder - had an encounter with an owl. My friend/breeder came out that next morning to find owl feathers in the pen and the baby goat with a gash on her nose.

Later that afternoon - the owl

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Views: 306

Any Tips?

Both of my two does are due to kid Wednesday, March 26th well at least that is day 145, and this is my first time as well as their's and I was just wondering if anybody had any tips for me or what seems to work best for you. I have my kidding kit rea

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12 Replies
Views: 163

Heat lamp?

I am expecting my first batch of kids in 7 weeks and I'm getting together everything I need for the birth. I'm wondering if I need a heat lamp. I live in northern California(near San Francisco)and the temperature is usually between 58 and 70 year rou

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18 Replies
Views: 1052

Doe Rejecting Kid?

I'm trying to decide if my doe is rejecting one of her kids, and if I need to pull her tonight or wait a bit longer.

The doe snorts at this kid, and shoves her pretty firmly.  However, strangely enough she will also let her nurse.  The kid seems to b

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11 Replies
Views: 343

Time has come - help!

So Cocoa has been moved to the new shed this morning, as she started having discharge.  How long do these things typically take?  She did eat her alfalfa pellets after she calmed down, being separated from the others and all.  Also, I do have molasse

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4 Replies
Views: 120
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