If you don't want to get an email when a new message is posted, click on "Forum" at the top of any page. On the Forum page, scroll down to the very bottom, and you'll see green letters that say, "Stop Following" next to an envelope. The default is to send you an email when someone comments on a thread that you started or where you have commented, but if you don't want to get emails for those, click on "Stop Following" on the individual page for that message. Hope that helps!
If you don't want to get an email when a new message is posted, click on "Forum" at the top of any page. On the Forum page, scroll down to the very bottom, and you'll see green letters that say, "Stop Following" next to an envelope. The default is to send you an email when someone comments on a thread that you started or where you have commented, but if you don't want to get emails for those, click on "Stop Following" on the individual page for that message. Hope that helps!