Kidding (436)

Sad news

It is with great sadness that I tell you that we went out this morning to find the perfect little blue eyed doeling dead.  She was 9 days old.  Her eyes were glazed, but she wasn't stiff yet.  Any idea how long she would be dead based on those signs?

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6 Replies
Views: 260

Pooch test???

I have been reading about pooch tests. Anyone feel like they are experienced enough to weigh in on accuracy. Had the vet out to the farm to confirm pregnancy on goat and he said he couldn't give a definite yes or no. He palpatated her tummy and first

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5 Replies
Views: 1352

Tough Year

Wow, it has been a tough goat year - not just for me, but all the breeders in the area...  For me, it began about a month ago with the loss of my favorite buck due to Urinary Calculi.  By the time we got him to the vet, his bladder had already ruptur

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16 Replies
Views: 392


Advice/critique wanted please. This is my FF that gave birth to a single doe 20 hours before this photo. She had a 3.1 lb doe that has been nursing but not a lot. I am hoping they don't nurse a lot the first few hours. She has gained weight now 3.3 a

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6 Replies
Views: 154

Need Help With Birth

I am a first timer with goats and I have a question about birthing. My Nigerian just gave birth to two kids about an hour ago. She has a large sack of blood and fluid hanging out of her still. The sack is about as big as a quart sized plastic bag, ma

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11 Replies
Views: 576

Oh no!

One of my little goat mamas gave birth sometime early this morning.  Triplets.  2 - 3 weeks early, definitely tiny and premature.  All of them are dead.  I don't know what on earth could have gone wrong.  I'm so sad.


The mama is dragging around a l

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24 Replies
Views: 499
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