A dozen days and babies then

Capri is due the 2nd and Summer is due the 9th (this is counting 145 days).  Today, we gave their stall a thorough cleaning and bedded it with deodorant, shavings and straw to be ready for babies.  I am finishing expanding it so I can separate new moms and babies from everyone else.  Ginger senses something is up as she has been a stinker, jealous perhaps?  She will have her birthday cake next Tuesday to celebrate her first birthday.

Summer was never really on the radar for a milker because of her shyness but she may prove to be great.  I cannot believe how large her udder is; it is bigger than Capri's.  After seeing her as a doeling so long, it has been really odd to see her develop like she has.  I don't remember Capri being that large when I brought her home two weeks before kidding.

As you can imagine, I am so excited . . . and nervous!  Last year, I was totally ignorant of what *could* happen but know this year how alert I must be.  I am hoping, and praying, all goes as well as last year.

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  • So exciting!! I have one more doe that may be pregnant. We'll see!! I'm sure hoping. :)

  • :)  Fun!  I want to build some shelves like that too.  Hopefully this summer.

  • Thank you, Patty. :-)

    Today, to replace the four bales of hay they were sleeping on, we built a large sleeping shelf so that added a bit of space as they have the area beneath it as well.  This weekend, I'll be preparing a birthing area or it might be the holding area for the non-birthers <g> depending on how it goes that night/day.

    With all the sawing and strangers, it's been a bit disruptive for them the last four days, but curiosity wins out.  Now they have been exploring the changes and enjoying the new things.  Of course, Ginger, still very much a kid, was the first one up on the shelf.

  • I'll pray with you, Glenna!  After this year, I'm SO happy for all of you when I hear the good news that the babies have come healthy and happy! :)

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