Kidding (436)

911 bloody mucus

I just went out to move the Momma and babies to a different pen for the day so she has more graze and she has bloody mucus on her tail...The kids were born this normal for her to have some discharge at this time?
We also had a freeze watch

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Views: 96

Advise needed


I posted a while back about my doeling getting pregnant.  She freshened yesterday but had a terrible time.  As the time past I was feeling better about the unfortunate early breeding as her one year birthday is coming up March 22 and I was thinki

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Views: 125

Rough Kidding, Rough Day

Panzy kidded today.  I'll try for a pic tomorrow, as it was a rough one!  I couldn't untangle stuck kids.  Had one rear hoof, one front hoof.  I took her to my dog/cat vet who did a stint on a diary farm and a pig farm, so experience sorting out this

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10 Replies
Views: 166

Snow Babies

Although I haven't been on since November due to continuing illness. Today I was happily blessed with triplets. We sold the two blue eyed girls to get the herd down to three does and two bucks. Today Misty stepped up to the plate and had three, 2 buc

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Views: 132

RATS! Aaah!

Well I knew I had rats...I have been poinsoning them for awhile (in the barn).


I woke up the other night, looked at the baby monitor and saw two glowing eyes peering over Penny's back and I thought, omg, she had her baby! was a big rat,

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Views: 1017
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