Colostrum and a few other questions...

Yet another nervous first time mum here!! 

So both our goats are pregnant and are due at the end of February.

Getting together kidding kits etc and making sure we are prepared for all events.  This will be Elly's fourth birth, first with us and Eva's first!

Looking at colostrum replacement just incase we do need it and what are everyones views on the best brands.  We are in Canada and I am ordering from Hoegger Supplies.  I noted they had a colostrum paste has anyone used this do you feel it is better than powder mixes?

Our goat house does not have electricity running to it so we where going to move the goats to our summer kitchen to birth as we can have a heat lamp on for kids.  When should we move our goats into the kidding pen?  Is it o.k to move them there when they start going into labour or should I move them before, we only have three goats and I am not sure how it will effect them if I leave two together in the house and just move one on it's own into the kidding pen.

I am sure in the coming weeks we will have more questions, thanks in advance for any advice! 

Have attached a picture of Elly!


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  • Thanks Rachel!  Elly is looking huge! She did have triplets last time with her previous owner!

    We keep a close eye on all our animals so I am hoping we will see all the early signs that labour is starting!   I think I was getting worried as we went through a really cold week last week of -33 so I got a little concerned.  

  • She looks just like my Lucy, only 1000X more pregnant!! lol

    I don't know much about colostrum replacement, but if you're home, and keeping a close eye on her most days, you'll probably "know" she's coming into labor before she actually does. If you don't, and she's in the middle of kidding, I personally would let her finish where she is, and then move her and the babies once she's done.

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