Kidding (436)

Doe close to kidding

My doe is at day 148 and yesterday witin about 3 hours her udder was full and tight so my mom and I watched her all night thinking she was gonna kid but she didnt and iv been watching her today and shes been eating and I noticed a tiny bit ofan amber

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9 Replies
Views: 136

Kidding/empty sack


My doe just gave birth to triplets a few days ago and I noticed something interesting that I had not seen before.  She had given birth to two and then a bubble the size and shape of a large grapefruit came next with amniotic fluid in it. After t

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5 Replies
Views: 1099

CDT prior to delivery

Okay, so everyone is due for CDT & I meant to do it a m o nth before kidding but that came and went and I forgot.  Now I'm 2.5-3.5 weeks from kidding- is there any reason why it wouldn't be okay to still do it?


Also my other doe is 2 mo nths away f

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2 Replies
Views: 87

Cool gadget

FYI for people looking to monitor soon-to-be-kidding does.  I just bought a Vtech Safe and Sound baby monitor.  It has a 1000' range, and night vision.  I haven't actually used it but we tested it out last night.  My daughter sat in the pitch dark ba

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22 Replies
Views: 338

Barn Cams

So this year I was thinking about adding a barn camera to observe kidding instead of walking outside all the time in the freezing weather. Anyone have any suggestions? I rather not spend an arm and a leg. I like the idea of having one link directly t

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6 Replies
Views: 207

Lambar Kid Raising

Does any one have experience w/ a lambar feeder for Nigerian kids? I would like to bottle raise my kids but can not be there to feed every 2 hours, so was thinking a lambar feeder would work but I can't find any w/ nipples small enough for the Nigeri

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3 Replies
Views: 551


Ok, I need some experienced people! I had a doe kid last night. She had 2, the second one is having some issues. We have taken her off of her mom and we are feeding her with a dropper because she is very weak. She almost seems to be having seizures.

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17 Replies
Views: 436
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