Starting to get nervous about the goat getting close (Jan 29th, but I am going to check the dates again to be sure)...Trying to research as much as possible since just now she was huffing and puffing (could be the warmer weather getting to her)...Hard to read and take it all in with a Chatty little Kathy in my ear this afternoon...
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Thank you Margaret...hehe @ 20yrs earlier...I guess we got that bit right...before we got married we said when we retire we will get a small hobby farm and raise goats...that was 13yrs ago...well we obviously don't do "waiting" very good, we still have a long way before we retire.
Sarah Goat was hubby's Christmas present this yr, he just got her about a month early...The other goat with the big belly is Boots, our wether...he looks more preggers than the girls because he eats and eats and eats while out in the field and then waddles back to the pen to nap and repeat...he was a bottle baby and I don't think he knows when to stop...the girls were both dam raised.
Looking Good! They sometimes will become more friendly as delivery approaches, so this is a good sign and good that hubby is making such efforts to win them over too. It worked at our house. Hubby spends all the time he can spoiling each of them as we get them and they have all become trusting and at times almost annoyingly under foot. but we love it and wouldn't take anything for this experience. The only thing that bothers me is WHY in the world didn't we do this about 20years earlier?
The larger white goat is our Momma to be...I snapped this earlier today with my phone because she has never trusted a human enough to even let us pet her and this morning she was all about the bread hubby was dishing out...As our other 2 have no manners and jump up, she decided it was her best bet too...She is due in 2 weeks...I am hoping she will be more friendly by then...

The little tri color girl in the front is due March 12th.
Good Luck! Definately post pics and an upadate please.
LOL! Yes, I did. They are awesome! Made me seriously smile. :)
Kelsie Aman said:
My Niggies average 145 days - I go on kidding watch starting day 142 and start locking them in the kidding stall at night or it the weather looks bad.
Looks like it should be 1/30/13
I use this calculator: that way I don't have to do the math. lol This is based on a 151 day pregnancy.
Thank you so much Patty...I promise I will be giving both camera's and possibly my smart phone a good work out when they arrive :)
Did you see my pumpkin faced wether pix.
She has done this before...I have not...Also the date I had was given to me by the lady we purchased from...but I just looked at the paper work...she was breed 9-3-12...trying to do the math