She looks just like momma!
Meet Penny! Our first ND born at Bent Penny Acres! Gotta go watch, later!
Meet Penny! Our first ND born at Bent Penny Acres! Gotta go watch, later!
We had all pretty much resigned ourselves to the idea that Butter was really not pregnant and just had some weird stretched all out of shape and fat disease or something when all of a sudden she looks like this. We do know there IS a real possibility
Read more…OK, if this discussion has been covered I apologize but I have not seen this! I know that some people use cameras to watch the herds, especially for kidding etc. I also know that if you know what to get and where to get it that it does not have to be
I have been so busy I haven't been on here for ages.Even to just read postings.Anyway one of my does kidded yesterday afternoon.She had 3 that are basically ok.Up,fuzzy and nursing well.However one has a rear leg that looks like it's knee is dis
Read more…I'm wondering how long cajeta will last in the refrigerator? I'd like to give some as a gift, but I want to make sure it will last a while, and be able to tell the recipient how long that might be. Thanks! :)
Read more…Hej from Sweden!
HELP !!! We have a new mother (not first time mother) who has just stopped allowing her two babies to nurse from her. We have no idea what is the problem. She seems to have no problem with her udder. We think that maybe one of the bo
Read more…What are some things we should have in a kidding kit?
I have read 7% iodine
unflavored dental floss
paper towels
nose thing to get mucus away (don't remember what there called)
and other things (I don't have the book in front of me at the mome
Read more…Deborah, the teat conversation made me think that we should mention things like this that should be checked. Can some of you tell us what things you know of that we should look for on both the doelings and bucklings at birth or at other specific ages
Read more…Hi,
I've read some discussions on diarrhea but none quite fit my situation. My new dam raised babies started getting diarrhea the second day of birth. Their mothers udder is huge. I actually noticed it the night before they were born and I thought
Read more…Do the eye colors change sometimes like people, or not? Can they be blue looking when born and change? What if they have 2 different colored circles around the pupil? Like blue around the pupil and then half way away from the pupil the colored part c
Read more…Here are a few questions for anyone who has experienced any of these scenrios:
1. An adult doe from a farm that takes babies at birth- has kidded many times but never raised or nursed her kids, if she were then allowed to keep some would she figur
Read more…Hi, my doe is due to give birth within a couple weeks. She is healthy and her belly and udder are growing nicely, I have been putting my hands on both sides of her belly, and watching it as well and I haven't seen much, if any, action! Should I be
Read more…I will try to make this short. HAHA, Ya'll know me! My big doe (looks kinda oberhasli, I don't know) was first exposed, tomorrow will be(a few hours away) 135 days ago. Marley is my first kidding since I learned about the ligaments. It seemed obvious
Read more…I keep thinking about Deborah describing the difference to us between fat/preg. .
I realize that today is only July 1st and my goat who was pasture bred & due in June, but I also keep thinking of how huge she was when I saw her on March the 3rd. Tha
Read more…I don't recall ever seeing anything about this any where. Can anyone give me some range on when they start to "show" as we say about people. I have some does that have been exposed (a couple I saw get bred) and for the most part it is the same group
Read more…I have oxytetracycline on hand. Anything else I would have to get and depending on if it is available locally, not sure how long it would take to get it here. Question, Should I give mom antibiotics since I had to go after that bent leg or not, and i
Read more…This is our first time kidding and milking, so we'd appreciate some input form the "Voices of Experience". Our doe kidded 3 weeks early with 2 doelings. The first sadly died after a half hour. The second lived! Hubby and I rotated shifts for the
Read more…6-7 weeks would be quick to notice pregnancy but maybe she is like her people momma. I was always so tiny and shaped in a way that when I was 6-7 weeks you could tell by looking at me. No joke! I just swelled right up every time. Couldn't wear my clo
Read more…After she didn't kid by the 5th of May I rechecked the January calendar and it told me she was with the buck on Jan 1st. I am sure the breeding took on that date as she is now in day 141 and wide open, still groaning as she moves around but definitel
Read more…I have a question, I have several babies that do not have brown eyes, and they are not blue kind of a dark gray (inbetween blue and brown) one has silver is this uncommon? or just like humans and they darken over time? two were born in Jan.
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