Kidding (436)


I'm wondering how long cajeta will last in the refrigerator?  I'd like to give some as a gift, but I want to make sure it will last a while, and be able to tell the recipient how long that might be.  Thanks! :)

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Views: 42

Kidding Kits

What are some things we should have in a kidding kit?

I have read 7% iodine

unflavored dental floss

paper towels


nose thing to get mucus away (don't remember what there called)

and other things (I don't have the book in front of me at the mome

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Views: 564



I've read some discussions on diarrhea but none quite fit my situation.  My new dam raised babies started getting diarrhea the second day of birth.  Their mothers udder is huge.  I actually noticed it the night before they were born and I thought

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Views: 206

Antibiotic for Mom?

I have oxytetracycline on hand. Anything else I would have to get and depending on if it is available locally, not sure how long it would take to get it here. Question, Should I give mom antibiotics since I had to go after that bent leg or not, and i

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3 Replies
Views: 80

Is It Safe To Go on Vacation?

This is our first time kidding and milking, so we'd appreciate some input form the "Voices of Experience".  Our doe kidded 3 weeks early with 2 doelings.  The first sadly died after a half hour.  The second lived!  Hubby and I rotated shifts for the

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Views: 322

More on the waiting !!!

After she didn't kid by the 5th of May I rechecked the January calendar and it told me she was with the buck on Jan 1st. I am sure the breeding took on that date as she is now in day 141 and wide open, still groaning as she moves around but definitel

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Views: 47

eye color

I have a question, I have several babies that do not have brown eyes, and they are not blue kind of a dark gray (inbetween blue and brown) one has silver is this uncommon? or just like humans and they darken over time? two were born in Jan.

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Views: 160
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