OK, if this discussion has been covered I apologize but I have not seen this! I know that some people use cameras to watch the herds, especially for kidding etc. I also know that if you know what to get and where to get it that it does not have to be extremely expensive, so I am wondering do you all have any tips for an INEXPENSIVE YET DURABLE & RELIABLE set up for DIY surveillance of the herd. Preferably one that can have quite a few different cameras added to be viewed on one screen at the same time. I really want to put the screen by my bed so I can look at it during the night frequently. Anyone have any starting ideas. Yes, I want audio too!
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I don't know of anything with multiple cameras in the $250 range, but I installed a Logitech Alert system this spring, and I really like it a lot. I am not handy, and not techie, and I got it set up and working by myself. I have three cameras, which have audio and infrared, which I can monitor on my computer and iPhone. Altogether, it cost several hundreds dollars. I bought it in stages, so I can't remember the total price.
I would gladly pay 250 if I could have four cameras on my FFs who are soon to kid. I don't see it happening quick enough, especially with the lost week of work due to hurricane Issac but I have it high on my list of things to complete before this happens again.
I wonder if I could set up the single cam to view across the span of several pens at once. That could be an option that I might could do soon. I am remodeling, so to speak, the pen that was the original quarantine pen for the 9 doelings when they arrived, into four kidding pens, so they will be about 7x8 eachand if I set it up at one end I might get a view of all of the pens!
I do have a Harbor Freight in town. Love to by zipties there! I bet TSC sells them and I have a Radio Shack very close by but they are probably more expensive. Thanks for the info!
My camera is from Harbor Freight and hooks into a television and has audio as well. Before I bought it several years ago, I found a system with multiple cameras that would display four on a screen. If I recall it was set up for a computer so it could be accessed remotely. I think it was around $250 but not certain since I opted for the single $79 camera at the time which was to watch my chicken house (raccoon issues) and audio was an important factor for me. I used it for the goat stall now and have the audio turned lower but still have it loud enough I can hear if they are calling.
"Inexpensive" is they key word here! I've been looking for ten years and haven't found anything yet. We have a metal barn, which makes the barn cams even more expensive. If anyone has found something, I'd love to see it!