Due earlier than thought?

I have a bred doe. She is supposedly due on the 3rd of May n' will be a 4th freshener. She is already forming a udder and getting  a firmer stomach. I am wondering if she is not due a little earlier than the seller told me. She doesn't look very big but I've heard of goats who didn't look very big but ended up having multiples. Does it sound about accurate that a 4th freshener would be developing a udder 2 months before kidding? I have been getting to  know what her ligs feel like and they are still pretty tight. 

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  • FFs can get a little handful about a month before kidding, but the rest of the udder development may take much longer, depending upon the individual. I've had some that bagged up as much as a senior doe, but recently I had a couple that still had little more than a handful by the time they kidded. You might have a little udder development before 4 months, but I've never noticed it visually, and I don't usually start feeling until they're about a month away from the due date. Since senior does have kidded before, they bag up sooner. Typically I'm milking does until two months before their due date, so their udders never really disappear.

  • Ii have a FF due on the 11th of June and has no udder development but her tummy is getting bigger and firm. When woud you expect her udder to start to come in? I have been checking daily but nothing so far. 

  • Yeah, it is just a handful of a udder. She is 2 months out so I was just unsure because I thought senior usually bagged up sooner to kidding and FF a lot longer away. 

  • Most does start to "look" pregnant by three months. If you mean her udder is a handful, that's not a big deal. If you mean it's about half of its normal in-milk size, I'd be questioning the date. Plenty of senior does have a very noticeable udder by 4 months though.

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