Date Calculator

This is a great little tool.  After I had already done the count each month, etc., method, I used this.  (I actually put it on a spreadsheet since it autodates cells.)  Because I knew when Capri was bred last time and when Ginger was born, I calculated the same number of days for this year, 145 days.  Capri is due April 2nd and Summer is due April 9th if they should go the same number of days as Capri did last year.

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  • Very cool! I use this one: It calculates on day 151 so I mark my calendar for a few days before, and some after as my window to be on kid watch.

  • I posted the calendar calculation for the fun of it.  It is actually quite easy - just put in your start date at the top and then choose years, months, days, or weeks, enter the number where appropriate, and click either add or subtract, much easier than the charts.  I have used the gestation charts (and have one on my wall) but I did my own calculations on a spreadsheet, I think they call that quick and dirty.  The most relevant thing for me was to count actual days before (how long Ginger "incubated") and use that as my due date.  I figure if it worked for me, it might very well work for my goat girls as well. <g> (Yes, I did get the due date right on both my second and third sons based on how long I carried my first son. Quite fun, actually, because the doctor was wrong.)

    (And, yes, Summer is making a bag or at least a lot more than she had before, bag or fullness.  It's a little harder to tell with Capri since she has so recently been milked.  I feed Summer sometimes on the stand to handle her a bit; she isn't wild about it but with food in front of her, hopefully, she will come around.  She has always been more reserved or stand-offish so I am hoping the maternal thing will help change that.  For both, the babies are very active.  Capri had triplets the first time of which Summer is one [and is getting rather wide].  I am hoping for twins from each of them, the minimum as I learned to not hope for a single again for mom's sake.)

  • Oh, those dates are getting close. I didn't realize they were due so soon! Are they both making udders?

    I still haven't seen any sign of udders on my yearlings yet. Just my little boar, who has been making one for almost 2 months! It seems that she will never have those kids!

  • I just glanced at that so I could be wrong, but it looks complicated for what you want to do and there are lots of simple ones on line. All you have to do is look up "goat gestation calculator" and you will find several! Here are a few for you if you haven't seen them! And at least one...the AGS one has a 145 day calculator for small breeds!,com_wrapper/Itemid,8/#.UTA2ya...

    And yes I have finally learned to post a link and I love it! I had to  learn, because I kept telling people on fb to come join the forum and then they wanted to  know how to find it ...sooo...I had to learn!

  • Always be ready at least by day 145, preferably a few days earlier, in case! Some people actually figure NDs on 145 as due but 150 is what is suppose to be full term!

    Are you saying that you always count the days off and have not seen the gestational charts before?

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