Not sure the new baby is doing well

My new baby born yesterday morning doesn't seem to have much energy. She is still very wobbly when standing and isn't moving around the stall as much as I thought she would be. Can someone tell me how a 1 day old is supposed to be acting? I've givin her a little probios and selenium gel and we milked out mom and have been trying to get her to take a bottle. She really doesn't latch on well but I'm getting as much into her as I can. She just seams very week. :( Help

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  • Well we seam to be making great improvements. She has gained 1lb in the last 3 days. And tonight when I let mom out of the stall to milk her the baby fallowed her outside and was looking around. Super excited she is doing well. I still think her back end is Weaker then it should be. If I put my Hand on her lower back she squats down to the ground. But constant improvements and the best personality ever.
  • Thank you guys so much. This is absolutely my first kid and I hope I'm over reacting. I just went out 1 more time before bed made mom stand up and baby latched right on and drank for a good 30+ seconds even switching teats before laying down and going back to sleep. I'll feel better when she is bouncing around a bit and is more full of life. For now I'm watching her like a hawk.
  • The fact that she's made it 36 hours is a really good sign. The textbooks say they need 5% of their body weight in colostrum in the first six hours after birth, but if they latch on and nurse well, that isn't hard to do. Goat kids don't usually nurse for a very long time, but they nurse very often, so don't worry about the fact that she doesn't stay on for long. It's hard to know exactly how things are going via email, so if there is anything else that concerns you, don't hesitate to share.

  • Jess that sounds pretty good that she is nursing on her own. Plus she has been urinating/pooping...and thats a great sign. Is this your first kid?

  • I don't know how long it was before she nursed. If she didn't nurse until I helped then it could have been as much as several hours. I have seen her nurse Several times and I think she looks great, bumping moms udder but she doesn't stay on for very long. She should be almost 36 hours old now.
  • They are usually dead within about 12-24 hours if they aren't getting enough colostrum. Do you know when she started nursing? Have you seen her nurse much or often?

  • Thank you. I weighed her today and she was a little less then 3lbs. I've seen her urinate several times which I assume she wouldn't be doing if she wasn't getting enough milk and I saw her poop yesterday. She's also keeping worm under the heat lamp. she stands up stretches and shakes herself but seams pretty stiff and wobbly. Maybe she should be sleeping and acting this way and Maybe I'm being over excitted but I'm just worried. My gut says something just isn't right.
  • Jess I just had 4 small babies on friday morning from a first freshener. The first day they mainly layed down under the heat lamp. They will get up from time to time to nurse then go back to the lamp to sleep. On the third day is when I noticed that they would start to stretch when waking and jump around a little. I bottle fed them all a few hours after being born as these guys didnt seem as vigorous as usual. All but one is nursing on its own now. One of the doelings prefers the bottle so I have been feeding mothers milk 3x's daily. She is taking 1/2-2/3 cup each time. They will also "wag" their tails when looking for milk in anticipation. From your picture she seems to be a good sized doeling. I also watch the hollow just in front of their hip bone to see that they are full and not sunken in.

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