Advise needed


I posted a while back about my doeling getting pregnant.  She freshened yesterday but had a terrible time.  As the time past I was feeling better about the unfortunate early breeding as her one year birthday is coming up March 22 and I was thinking everything was going to work out.

Because of where we live the closest vet is an almost 2 hour drive.  I had some experienced goat folk on hand as this is our first kidding season.

She presented one foot and a head but I could not find the second foot anywhere.  Turns out the kid was folded like a V and presented a hind food and head.  My Goat friend was able to solve the mystery, turn the kid and eventually we got him out breech.  It was extremely hard on the doe.  She was exhausted and had given up on pushing by the time the kid was delivered.

Something happened that I had never heard of or read about.  Her intestine began to come out.  My farmer friend was able to get it all back in to her, though I suspect that this means her uterus has ruptured?  I spoke with an on call vet and on top of the antibiotic that we loaded her up on she has also had Tylenol and aspirin.

She is extremely weak.  Will not eat or drink and has not urinated since kidding.  I will be getting her to the vet first thing this morning.  He advised she is probably too weak for surgery...but will get a better sense when he sees her.

Has anyone had experience with intestines coming out during birth?  Did your doe survive?  The vet is saying probably we may choose to euthanize her if she is going into shock.  I am devastated!

To make it all worse we also lost her kid.  He was weak and had fluid on his lungs and despite our best efforts we lost him about 6 hours after he was born.

Any advise or suggestions for my doe would be appreciated.


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  • I'm so sorry!  Having just gone through a hard situation with my doe dying, I can relate all too well.  Big hugs to you, and know that you did all you could.  I hope we get to see the new baby soon!  Ain't nothing prettier. :)

  • So sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to not blame yourself, but just file away the lessons learned, and do your best in the future to avoid repeating the same mistake. That's all any of us can do. I do wish our goat education wasn't so painful, though! {hugs}

  • Lisa, which of your does was this? Her name I mean! And who is Lily's mother?

  • I'm so sorry... hugs to you. It's hard not to blame ourselves... just remember, whether you might do things differently or not, you never did anything INTENTIONALLY to hurt your girl. Sometimes, life just has other plans.

  • I am so sorry sweetheart! This is dreadful and I know that you can't help but feel guilt along with your sadness, we all do, but you really did your best and I am glad you have a little doe to help you heal! It will come in time and we will all be sending you or hugs and prayers!

  • Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Sadly my beautiful girl died while at the vet this morning.  After discussing the options with him, including loading her up with meds and giving her some time, I felt that euthanizing her was the best choice, as hard as it was.  After making the decision her blood pressure dropped and the Vet could not find a vein.  She died in my arms very gently.  I am devastated and full of guilt and regret.  I know I will work through this in time, but feel so grateful for all the knowledge and empathy felt on this site; and so comforted by our 3 day old doeling Lily who will surely be a source of joy as she begins to bounce and be silly.  Thanks everyone!

  • So sorry to hear this! I have not heard of a doe's intestines coming out during birth. Uterus, yes, but not intestines. If she has not urinated since birth, it does not sound good. I hope the vet has some better news for you! {hugs}

  • Oh, Lisa! I'm so sorry for your loss! I think I have heard of does surviving prolapsed uterus, but that they can't be bred again. I don't have personal experience with this, so I'm just trying to recall information I think I have read... I'm hoping your girl pulls through!!


  • So sorry to hear about what you're going through.  I don't have any advice, but I'm sending virtual hugs, and will keep you in prayer.

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