I usually separate my does for kidding. However this year, things are a little tight and I was thinking of leaving one goat and her open doe daughter in the same pen at kidding time. They get along The pen is about 6x6 feet.
Will this work? Is the pen big enough? What do others do?
I do not need to leave them together after she kids for long. I have another tiny shed that I can move the one that kids to after she kids, but I didn't want to move her out there before because it's away from the herd. In the main shed, they can at least see each other through wire panels that separate them and none seem to get upset to be separated this way at night when kidding is near.
Having always separated for kidding, I just wondered if a bunk mate would disrupt things too much in the 6x6 sleeping stall if she kidded at night. I don't mind a little extra housekeeping. I was just worried if the 12 month old open bunkmate would interfere with kidding in someway
These are sleeping stalls attached to a fenced goat yard, not where they spend the whole day. Well except for a while after kidding, when I don't let new mothers out or longer if bad weather.
The size is my only concern. That's pretty small for two does, especially if you're planning to leave them together after the doe kids. You will probably need to be adding fresh bedding daily. I wouldn't say there is anything "wrong" with the plan.