

Hi! What is the minimum temperature that we should keep the barn with new kids, three month old kids and adults? I think that I read somewhere the temperature should be around 40 to 6o degrees.  Is that correct? Please help.. Thanks.

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    Thanks so much.  That is very helpful.  I just wasn't sure what temperature to try to maintain.  Eventually, I would love to have a solar energy source for the barn.  However, that is down the line.  Thanks..

  • Once kids are dry, they're fine at least down to zero Fahrenheit. The only time temperature is a real problem is when they're being born, especially if the mom has three or four, she can't get them dried off fast enough for them to avoid hypothermia. Newborns can also get frostbitten ears if it's below zero, but they're fine after a couple days of age. You don't need to artificially heat the barn, because goats will grow an undercoat of cashmere to keep warm. That's why they look fuzzy in winter.
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