Treats ?

I'm new to this, I was wondering if there any treats for my goats. We give the the occasional pine branches. What else would they like.  I tried a apple once, but no they weren't interested. Still have a ton to learn. Thanks


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  • great, my goats must be from another planet............. like my daughter and sister, they are definitely picky eaters and must decide they dont like new things without tasting..... they do the smell test. =(

    Jan said:
    My goats are just plain good eaters. They eat differently seasonally though.  Right now they are eating lots of evergreen trees that are cut just for them. They also eat all the peelings from meal prep and especially like orange peels left from juicing. Chopped up apple is another favorite as well as the the bagged and stored leaves which they devour with relish. In the spring and summer they are more picky but then they have a lot of fresh goodies available.
  • My goats are just plain good eaters. They eat differently seasonally though.  Right now they are eating lots of evergreen trees that are cut just for them. They also eat all the peelings from meal prep and especially like orange peels left from juicing. Chopped up apple is another favorite as well as the the bagged and stored leaves which they devour with relish. In the spring and summer they are more picky but then they have a lot of fresh goodies available.
  • My does love sunflower seeds. I put it on top of their grain and they will eat them first. I have never tried bannanas, crackers, cranberries, or oranges. I will have to see if they like some of the treats mentioned

  • Mine dont really like the sunflower seeds either.  Tonight I whirled them in the blender a bit to break them up.  I thought maybe if it is open so they taste more of the seed???  And what's up with the alfalfa pellets??  They are picking through them to get to the grain!!  I was calculating how much they were per lb. as I picked up the dropped ones!!  LOL.

    Dianea Fay said:
    Oh my. My goats love bananas just cut in piece and they eat the whole thing peel and all, orange slices, mangos, apples, goat treats(homemade) horse treats, animal cookies and my goats love marshmellows. I have them trained to shake there heads if they want a treat.  I have found very few things mine won't eat and each one has their favorite treats too.Mine even like frozen grapes in the summer. So do I. But don't offer mine sunflower seeds they hate them. Those are just a few of the goods mine chow down  which they got treats this am. Got some old fruit at the grocery store on the mark down isle and that is what they get.
  • I will try that again also!  I have tried orange, carrot peels, no luck.  Once mine ate a lemon wedge i had thrown out of an empty tea glass, but if I offer her one-she wont touch it!  I just about got mugged tonight cause I had a plastic bag rustle in my coat pocket.  I gave them dried cranberries last night I found in the frig.  Good for them, bad for my pocketbook ^^.  They will also stand on their heads for raisins and graham crackers.  When I give those, I always think, now I know that got all stuck in their teeth.  :)
  • OK, Well tonight I tried a banana, no luck.
  • Thanks for those suggestions, I'll give them a try.
  • Whenever tortilla chips or crackers go stale, the goats love them. I've seen people give goats banana peels at shows, but my goats look at me like I'm crazy if I offer them banana peels. I used to know a waitress who would bring home the left-over bread from her restaurant. And of course, they love animal crackers. That seems to be a pretty common treat for goats and sheep.
  • Mine like dried cranberries, raisins, banana chips, and dont forget Ritz crackers when you really want them to follow/or beat you there. lol  I am sure the more knowledgeable goat keepers here will have better ones.  I have had my 2 does since '09.  I am in love.

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