bought a bag of alfalfa pellets today - wondering how much I should feed my goats? It says 1 to 2% their body weight...... I know it sounds like a dumb question - but wondered if anyone else uses pellets.
The still have orchard grass hay to eat (supposidly alfalfa/grass mix, I saw a couple of alfalfa leaves) - but I had bought a bale of alfalfa to supplement (bred doe) and it was so stemy they wont even lay on it......
any idea? said on the bag, not by volume, but weight.
Adrienne said:
Adrienne said:
salviadorrii said:
Adrienne said:
Melissa Johnson said:
salviadorrii said:
I am left-handed too and have been having troubles clipping hooves.I never keyed into that the clipper would be like scissors.I had been thinking about the hoof plane as I do not have one.I have trouble with the heel.On one of my goats it gets kind of smooshed over to one side.I also have trouble getting the side-wall between the 2 parts of the hooves.The use of pellets for trimming sounds good to slow them down.I had been giving rolled barley and they pretty much inhale it.
Adrienne said:
Adrienne said:
Melissa Johnson said:
Adrienne said: