I am new to the whole farm business. It is something I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember. I spent the last three years in Iraq, as a contractor, paid off all my bills and put a good downpayment on a 10.44 acre farm in West Central India
My daughters and I just got back from the NDGA nationals in Greenfield, IN. It was amazing to see so many quality Nigerians in one place. We were a little nervous to show against so many awesome herds, but everyone was so nice and welcomed us immedia
Does anyone know of a website or other way I can find out where these workshops are? I searched google and found stuff from 2004 but nothing for 2010-2011...
I'm Judy McClelland in Grand Ronde, Oregon. I have had Nigerians for about two years now. I had Nubians when I lived in Port Townsend, Washington in the 70's.
OK, I know there are probably a million recipes out there. I am looking for recipes or ideas for goats treats. I have a young goat I am trying to train and she won't take any normal treats. I am looking for all the ideas this audience has had luck
I am new to breeding, in fact I have not done so but plan to in Feb/March. I was wondering if it is safe to inbreed. I have been told yes & no....help! Thanks :)
I have kept standard size dairy goats on and off for years. I recently sold my goats and am interested in changing over to the pygmies with making cheese and having milk for home use as well as having them as pets. I like the idea of being able to s
Our Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats network is one year old this month! In honor of the occasion, I will give away three bars of my goat milk soap
to some lucky member who posts a message or responds to a message in
the forum between now and midnight Sund
I'm looking for a registered, proven (ideally) buck for my small herd in Ontario, Canada. Would love to hear from you, especially if you are within driving distance of Toronto or Kingston.
Ok, as it stands right now we are expecting kids the 29th and 31st of January. We normally go out of town for a week at Christmas to Dallas. We have someone set up to come by twice a day, and feed the animals etc, They could take the goats to the vet
A couple of weeks ago Page Vanessa Petty asked a good question about freezing milk. I wanted to know if freezing a goat's milk and thawing it out 2 or 3 months later would make the cheese turn out any differently (taste or texture). Thanks,
HI- I don't have any goats at the moment, but I am most interested in ND's because of size and cost of feeding. I live on 5 acres of grass, pine and oak. I have a 5 and 3 year old boys who are also excited about the goats. I think I have just succe
HI-- Before committing to these fine animals, I want to be sure that I can find a breeder that provides a stud service, whether, dropping off a doe or renting a buck. I am in Goldendale, WA, which is about 2 hours East of Portland, OR and 2 hours No
We have 4 gals and a buck eating hay through the winter here. I have been feeding less than a bale a week and that seems to be enough. The husband gets lots of browse to hang over the fence and ,of course there are the goat walks.
Today, two of my does were fighting a lot. These does normally leave each other alone. One of them was making weird moaning noises and her tail was wagging a lot. And she kept smelling the butt of the other doe. My guess is that she is in heat? The o