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New Kids!!


Our "Rosie" gave birth to four Nigerian Dwarf kids.  However, we only had two kids that lived. The first two were three times bigger than the two that lived and would never take a breath. 

The smallest kid was the doeling.  The vet had to put her

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Views: 29

Fencing And Toys

Another survey like forum, I want to find out what the most popular fence is to keep these little critters contained!! And what kinds of toys people provide My pen is made of 16 foot cattle panels. There are four of them attached together to form a

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13 Replies
Views: 333

update and behavior question

I have not had time to post since my girls came home! I am so excited to have them. Isabel comes running up to get petted when she sees me. Indiana still hangs back but will usually sniff if I stick my hand out.... she likes her food David just calls

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Views: 16


As I posted in my blog recently, the goats are grazing near a green soybean field. Well, recently the goats have been getting closer and closer to the soybean field. I saw them over by the field today, but can't be sure if they ate any.


My question

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7 Replies
Views: 145

Non-Goat People

We are going on a four day trip next week (first in many, many years!), and it will really be only the second time I'll be leaving the goats in the hands of someone else. The people caring for the goats have really no experince with goats - mostly ho

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Views: 53

Goat Behavior

I thought it would be fun to discuss various odd goat behaviors...When I first brought home one of my young goats she would stiffen her front legs, ponce forward and bark, cough at the sight of my dog.  He is the sweetest dog, but does look threateni

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8 Replies
Views: 109

My first goat birth

I promised to share my experiences with my first kidding, so I decided to start a mini-blog beginning with the first signs of labor.  

Trauma, aka Queenie, is due anywhere from September 4th to the 13th since the previous owner “pen bred” her.  This

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11 Replies
Views: 140

A note of Thanks

Hello ALL! I am writing because I won the wonderful goat milk soap from Deborah Neimann-Boehle and it recently arrived in the mail and it is just terrific!!! it smells wonderful! she is truly an artisan. If anyone is looking to buy soap she has a ter

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Views: 63


I picked up our first goat last night.:o) She isn't registered,and I actually don't even know for sure if she's a nigerian dwarf but she's looked enough like one to give her a shot for 20

I fell in love with these little goats about six

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9 Replies
Views: 142

Cherry tree leaves

Hi again from Minnesota. Does anybody out there have experience with goats and cherry tree leaves. I know the wilted leaves are listed as poisonous to goats. I still don't have any yet but I'm making the yard for them on my small piece of property. W

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4 Replies
Views: 236