Posted by Jan on October 27, 2010 at 6:36am in Breeding
She's back in a raging heat and I suspect she is cystic. How do I obtain the shots she needs to fix this problem? I don't have a local vet or the money to travel and pay for one farther south. Any help would be appreciated.
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Since she keeps coming into heat she now lives with the new buck we acquired last week. He needed a friend and she seemed no too unhappy with him. They are actually eating happily out of the same feed bowl. I have the equipment for the blood test and wonder if I should hold off using it since they need to be bred 30 days. At least I'd know if she is 30 days bred,
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
The first time I had a goat that did not get pregnant, I called a vet, and he did a blood test, and I gave her shots. She still did not get pregnant. I put her in a pen with a buck, and she got pregnant. Since then, if I can't get a doe pregnant, I lock her up with a buck for a few months, and she usually gets pregnant -- eventually. In eight years, I've never had one that wouldn't get pregnant eventually -- knock on wood! I've had a couple skip a year, but then get pregnant with no problem the next year. Of course, it happens, but it's rare, and I'm not so sure the drugs really help all that often.
The other thing to remember is that some does will act like they're coming into heat, even though they're bred. I had one continue to come into heat for three months a couple years ago. She gave birth two months after the last time she was bred. If you give her hormones, you could cause an abortion, so I wouldn't even think of giving her drugs until you've had an ultrasound done.
The first time I had a goat that did not get pregnant, I called a vet, and he did a blood test, and I gave her shots. She still did not get pregnant. I put her in a pen with a buck, and she got pregnant. Since then, if I can't get a doe pregnant, I lock her up with a buck for a few months, and she usually gets pregnant -- eventually. In eight years, I've never had one that wouldn't get pregnant eventually -- knock on wood! I've had a couple skip a year, but then get pregnant with no problem the next year. Of course, it happens, but it's rare, and I'm not so sure the drugs really help all that often.
The other thing to remember is that some does will act like they're coming into heat, even though they're bred. I had one continue to come into heat for three months a couple years ago. She gave birth two months after the last time she was bred. If you give her hormones, you could cause an abortion, so I wouldn't even think of giving her drugs until you've had an ultrasound done.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
The other thing to remember is that some does will act like they're coming into heat, even though they're bred. I had one continue to come into heat for three months a couple years ago. She gave birth two months after the last time she was bred. If you give her hormones, you could cause an abortion, so I wouldn't even think of giving her drugs until you've had an ultrasound done.