I'm Judy McClelland in Grand Ronde, Oregon. I have had Nigerians for about two years now. I had Nubians when I lived in Port Townsend, Washington in the 70's.
My website is: http://coastwindfarm.webs.com/
My informtion is pretty much on my site. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.
I remember being very impatient when building my herd. It seemed every year was a buck year in the beginning.
Judy McClelland said:
I'm trying to get some more pictures for my website but I don't have anyone to hold them so have to get shots in the pasture which are not always the best.
I lost two does' kids, one aborted and the other one was a first freshener and I wasn't out there and all 4 kids died. Next year will be better. Get my act together better.