OK, I know there are probably a million recipes out there. I am looking for recipes or ideas for goats treats. I have a young goat I am trying to train and she won't take any normal treats. I am looking for all the ideas this audience has had luck with. Thanks!
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Thanks for the ideas. I have one that will eat anything and one that won't take anything as a treat. I have tried all sorts of vegetables including lettuce and she won't take any of it. I have tried cereal, saltines and goldfish. She won't go for any of it. I even had to teach her to eat goat food, but that took rather quickly though. I saw the recipe that was posted and am planning to try it.
I've never had to get creative because mine love stale crackers, cereal, or tortilla chips. I've seen goats at shows eat banana peels, but mine look at me like I'm nuts when I offer that. I used to know a breeder who was a waitress, and she'd bring home bread from the restaurant she worked at. It seems like someone posted a treat recipe a few weeks ago.