Dual Registered Doe
ADGA/AGS registered Nigerian Dwarf doe in milk. Fabulous milking pedigree - lots of Top 10 Production winners behind her! $350
More info at: http://www.wagsranch.com/for-sale.html
ADGA/AGS registered Nigerian Dwarf doe in milk. Fabulous milking pedigree - lots of Top 10 Production winners behind her! $350
More info at: http://www.wagsranch.com/for-sale.html
Ok we have the stand part completed, and are working on the Stanchion. We have been following the FiasCo Farms instructions, however we made our stand wider than that on the instructions 2feet wide and 4 feet long. David can build things better than
Read more…I use Hoegger's Golden Blend minerals and my goats are really gobbling it up. For 2 adult and 2 9 months old goats, they are eating nearly 2 cups in a week. Is this ok? Is it possible for them to overdose on the minerals?
I have always left my m
Read more…My mentor and I have been discussing minerals lately because we have recently found a store that sells another mineral someone suggested. I feel reasonably certain everyone here agrees that Purina's minerals are bad because of the salt content. Now
Read more…HELP! I need ideas. We lost our livestock housing....snow collapsed it. Our goats are in the outside pen with a 4 x 6 wooden structure. We can't lock it up. Now we have soooooo much snow they are just jumping / walking over their 4 ft fence. W
Read more…Yesterday, my goat, Starberry gave birth to triplets. However, she only bonded with the first one because the second and third were born at the vets via sticking his arm inside and pulling them out. We took them home, rubbed goo all over them to ge
Read more…Recently someone posted trouble with kidding, and were not able to get in contact with their vet. I do not know the outcome if the situation, though I hope it was a good one. Perhaps we can create a contact list for members who run in to trouble? I k
Read more…Our smallest FF kidded in the night with a 2# doe and when I got out in the morning had a @ 1/2 buck hanging out of her back end. I helped her get the buck out and assessed the situation. She ate some grain and has had some water. Eight hours later
Read more…How common is it to have problems with CAE with Nigerians? I will bring home my first Doe this spring. I have 2 Nubian weathers at home who were bottle fed. I had blood samples sent to Purdue last week to test my weathers for CAE and Johnes --I wan
Read more…Isabel freshened for the second time 3 weeks ago. She has a beautiful, and very well attached udder, but it is small and so are her teats. She had not been milked before 3 days ago.
She comes from good milking lines, so I am hoping that in the next f
Read more…I know that the opinions of each member very concerning this topic, but I am curious. When you first switched from pasteurized milk to raw milk did you go all in, or do so slowly. Did anyone notice any sensitivity when they first switched?
We are fo
I was wondering if anyone else has seen this or heard of this. I'm very new to goats.
My question is , both my goats seem to have twitchy legs. All of a sudden , it's almost like they have a invisible fly buzzing around them. Does anyone know what mi
Read more…I had triplets born on sat. The smallest one had a few rough days and is now in the house doing well. He had white on his umbilical cord, I have never seen this before and wondered if this was why he had such a rough start. It took a day before he co
Read more…Hi! My family moved to our first country home 7 years ago. We have 4 children. Our oldest daughter has 3 wonderful human babies, my other 3 children are all in College. My main activity the past 10 years has been Training, teaching and competing
Read more…One of my neighbors has an Alpine that is losing clumps of hair and has bald spots from the neck down to mid back. She is acting fine as far as eating and sleeping, just the skin irritations. He has researched, she gets a good mineral supplement with
Read more…I made mistakes with a kidding yesterday and thought I'd post so that others may learn from them. This was the first kidding of the year, but the 6th kidding at our farm so I'm very new to it but it wasn't my first.
I have a doe that I purchased bred
Read more…Lulu is celebrating their birthday by offering 20% off of purchases. The coupon code is HAPPY305 at check out - good until Feb 21st.
If you have been thinking about getting the book "Personal Milkers: A Guide to Nigerian Dwarf Goat Keeping," no
Read more…Came across this interesting article on setting up a dairy. Lots of good information in it - even if they are only talking about full-sized goats. But what caught my eye the most was the studies quoted on forage based dairying:
As mentioned previous
Read more…My doe has been nursing fine and letting me milk her in the morning and at night. But lately she has been kicking more and tonight she would not even let me touch her. Her udder still feels soft but she is acting like it is painful for me to touch
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