hello from New York

hello. I have just started to build my herd of Nigerian Goats and the end of Jan. we had our first kid.She is gorgeous . so including her(Fairy Dancing) we have four does (fancy, Dancing Moon, And Shooting Star), and one Billy (Dunkin) he's my very special man .We live in a small home on a five acre parcel of woods. My kitties love to go visit the goats and the goats think they are so fun to try and chase (thank god for trees lol).

fairy dust 030.jpg

Picture from camera 005.jpg

Picture from camera 092.jpg

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  • Hello from Idaho and welcome to the group!
  • Also you can use preemie and 0-3 months size baby sleepers. Cut a hole in the back and leave unsnapped in the front/middle for the boys.  
  • thank you. I found that if you cut the sleeves of an old sweater or sweatshirt (salvation army is a great place to shop) you can use the sleeves on the young ones and they love it.
  • Welcome! So glad you could join us!
  • Hej from Sweden,


    Lord I feel like I slept through US geography classes!! Seems like all I know is Manhattan and where my daughter went to University, Sarah Lawrence. I know there are beautiful rural places but haven't been to many. Wait my daughter did an acting program in the Berkshires then something up state New York and I took the train there or was it a bus, anyway it was beautiful.

    Cold, we just came home from a seminar for start up businesses here in Sweden with a tax expert. It was FREEZI NG out there and we are only -5 compared to our -22 last night! Our snow is going nowhere fast and we have gotten a light coating over the past few days. Still too cold out for the goats. Fancy and Fairy are lucky to be in the kitchen. I know about no undercoat. My little guy Flynn is the smaller of the twins  and he has gotten "fuzzier" but I got him a doggie coat for the few times he is out. I just feel better and he seems warmer! I like the idea of your black rubber tubs for water, may have to look into them. Thanks.

    Have fun with your new baby!


  • We live in Prattsburgh about 9 miles south of Naples in the Finger Lakes Region. We have had alot of nasty white stuff this year expecting another 9" tonight. I found if I replace thier water with luke warm it doesn't freeze as quick. Trick I learned working with horses . I am using the rubber (black) tubs for water because the frozen stuff will pop right out. the other plastic tubs have a tendancy to crack. Fancy and Fairy dust are actually in my kitchen Fancy never developed a winter coat (I think because of the pregnancy). the other three are resiegned to the barn they probably perfer in the house ( I would too the dogs have been very naughty this season)been trying to tell my husband we can put the goats in the house and the dogs in the barn. goats are easier to clean up after lol. He is thinks its a great idea but, all of the bric-a-brac would have to picked up and we use oil lamps for light and that would be unsafe. Maybe an outdoor kennle for the dogs for next winter.
  • Hej from Sweden,
    Welcome from New York! Where in NY? Your new baby Fairy Dancing is just adorable! I really like your goat names. They have a Native American feel. I live in Sweden so some goats I have purchased already had Swedish names like my queen of the stable, Frida. She had twins on March 16 this past year so her babies have Irish names, Keriana and Flynn. We got a beautiful brown doe 3 yrs old named Hilda, her name stayed. Then we got with her a doeling born just 2 weeks before our babies and her name had been Alicia which I changed to a Nigerian name Alika meaning, "most beautiful" and she is. Then there was a lovely 1 year old black beauty with a white hoof and side stripe, she had been named Vit Tas meaning in Swedish, white paw, pretty much a kitty's name. She became my Little Pumpkin.
    Do you have much snow where you are? We have a lot and temps down to -22 last night. My girl's water keeps freezing so we carry hot water from the house out to them. We also have a lot of wind in this area of Sweden so they are inside most of the winter. When good days do come , with some sun and less wind, they are out and having a ball, till they get too cold.
    Welcome again!
  • Welcome to the group!
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