My oldest Dam is 4 years old and pregnant. She got a really pretty light undercoat (curly and wooly looking) this winter, and she's shedding that now. How much shedding is normal for winter coat loss, and how much might make you concerned there are o
Gardenia gave birth to three boys and a girl this afternoon. All seem healthy.
I spent two and a half hours blow-drying them off and in that time only the girl (the biggest) nursed although the others wanted to. Gardenia has kidded before and was a
Okay, I find out tonight from my son that he saw one of the goats grazing, drop on his back and screams for a while. What is up with that? Is this normal, I can not find anything about this behavior?
Well I’m glad I worked from home today because the birth didn’t go as well as I had hoped.
The first kid, a buckling, was breach and my doe spent about 3 hours in labor trying to push him out. I wasn’t sure what was wrong so I called my mentor who tr
well, I thought I did so good with my 3/4" x 22 ga needles. Now, 3 weeks later, I notice a nice lump at the injection site. It was CD&T - did I inject too fast?
And I have noticed my doe due to kid is pooping alot and it is a darker green and wet
I annually use my vet to test for CAE but this is starting to get a bit expensive. I would like to start doing this myself and would like to know where you would get the supplies. My vet sends the blood tests to Washington State, I believe. Also, how
I thought I would share my breeder's website with everyone. She has had nigerian dwarf goats since 1996 and she is wonderful. She is in Virginia and also runs a bed and breakfast on her property. She has an excellent link in the goat section about go
My goat kidded around 7 am this morning. She appears to still be in labor and every 20-30 min or so gives a couple of pushes. She is laying down and tired. And looks as though there is at least one more kid in her. I don't know what to do! I tri
Today while out messing around with my 2 does I decided to look at front teeth.On one I noticed the very front ones looked broken.It looked like one was broken down pretty low and the other was maybe broken part way.This doe turned one year in Jan
My name is Janelle. My family and I are working toward becoming self sufficient, and in that process we came across this wonderful little dairy breed of goats! We love our goats and I invested in some good stock so right now we only have thre
My Doe reached 145 days on Monday so I worked from home that day and today I took a personal day but no sign of kids yet. Tomorrow I have to go back to work and there isn't anyone around to watch the doe.
I need help from anyone who has any experience with Pygmy goats. We have a small herd of 6 Nigerian Dwarf goats and have just added 2 little Pygmy goats, one buckling and one doeling. They were advertised as Nigerian but when I saw
2 doelings will be available in April. They are gold and white. Dam won best yearling in milk last year and is a very good family milker. We live in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I also have a mature buck and a wether. DOELINGS ARE SOLD. MORE TO COME IN APR
Can someone advise me on a good resource for fence panels that can be used as deviders for goat pens? I have seen some in photos on this site and am guessing I might be able to order some that are specifically for goats?
hello. I have just started to build my herd of Nigerian Goats and the end of Jan. we had our first kid.She is gorgeous . so including her(Fairy Dancing) we have four does (fancy, Dancing Moon, And Shooting Star), and one Billy (Dunkin) he's my very s
I have added new family members to my small Back Porch Farm herd. Where we were 3 now we are 7. Thats double plus 1!! It was a 14 hour round trip to meet for the pick-up from Too Tall Timbers in MO. They had a bit of snow the night before so I was s