Hi ! I am bringing home 2 new baby goats this weekend and would like advice on what to feed them.
I have been reading advice online and there is A LOT of conflicting advice, includung what the breeder that I am buying from is telling me. She said to feed the same grain that I give my horses, and NOT to buy feed made specifically for goats. another breeder wrote that Purina Goat Ration along with grass hay is best because it has copper that they need. Also what type of mineral block or loose ration should I buy? I really want to do whats best for them. (they are 8 week old does)
I am always confused by this - would the goat chow - take the place of textured grain with the high %??
so if you were using goat chow - that is all you would feed other than hay?
Melissa Johnson said:
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
Tammy Lee Birrer said:
Hi Deborah,
I have been looking on the site for nutrition info and I specifically want to know about how much grain I should be giving my doe that just kidded with twins. I started with 1 cup of Purina goat chow twice a day and have increased to 1- 1/2 cups per feeding. I don't want mismanage the grain. This is along with Alfalfa and minerals.
Thank you,
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said: