broken teeth

   Today while out messing around with my 2 does I decided to look at front teeth.On one I noticed the very front ones looked broken.It looked like one was broken down pretty low and the other was maybe broken part way.This doe turned one year in Jan.Is this it for her teeth?Or do they get to grow out or get new ones?She does not seem to be having any issues with eating or anything.I can't really think how she would have broken teeth.When we go out for browsing walks both goats seem pretty into eating soft rotten wood and will sometimes go for pulling hard bark off trees.But that seems pretty normal forage for goats and their teeth should be up to that.I don't know if she had a crash or anything that could have broken teeth.

   On my other doe(will be 1 yr in a week) I noticed brown tarter like discoloring along the gumline.Is this a sign of anything?

    Both does seem pretty healthy otherwise.Their standard diet is alfalfa and some forage (when we go out for browsing walks).they also have freechoice loose mineral(no blocks) and baking soda.and lots of fresh water.Thanks for any replies

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  • Without seeing them, it's tough to know exactly what they look like, but it could be normal. Somewhere online I once saw pictures of goats' teeth, and they get longer every year until they're about five. Even if she did break them, there's not much you can do about it. And since they don't brush their teeth, they are not usually pearly white. Some get worse than others though.
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