Goat Panels?

Can someone advise me on a good resource for fence panels that can be used as deviders for goat pens? I have seen some in  photos on this site and am guessing I might be able to order some that are specifically for goats?

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  • I put the 2' tall green coated garden fence on the lower half of the combo panels in the kidding pen.  The kids are due any time now so we'll see how well the fence combination works.
  • WOW! don't complain about sheep/goat panels here in OK $54 is athe average price. We do cattle panels but still $24+ depending on which store. We run a hot wire down low so they won't figure out that they can get through. Also keeps the adults from rubbing on the panels.
  • Thanks for all your help and info on goat/cow panels....I will be checking to see what our TSC caries.  Ruth
  • I should have said that some kids will go through the combination panels when they're 2-6 months old. They have to jump to do it, and not all of them think about it, but some do -- usually happens when take bucks away from mom. Even then, not all of them do it. You can put chicken wire on it if that happens.
  • Kids can get through cattle panels easily until they are a few months old.  I used goat/sheep panels with a 4x4 mesh for my kidding stalls. 


    I would love to have kidding pens like these guys make: http://www.shaulsmfg.com/   A friend has stall fronts made by these guys and they give me serious kidding stall envy every time I'm over there.  :)

  • I used a section of combo panel that I cut down to size.  I put two eye bolts on one side of the wall and another two on the other.  A set of quick release clips (like at the end of a dog leash) and I can remove the panel when kidding time is over.  The goats only have a 6' x 10' space so this makes it easy to set up a quick kidding pen (I only have 3 goats at the moment).


    I also got my combo panels at TSC.  They were $24 when I first looked at them but not too long after they went up to $32 which is where they're at now.

  • We used to get "combination" livestock panels, which have the closely spaced horizontals down low like the pig panels, but they're tall like cattle panels. Our local place stopped carrying them, which is really disappointing. In our kidding pens, we used pig panels. They're inside a barn, and we put them on top of a 2X4 that's on end, so that added another four inches to  the height, and then we put a flat 2X4 across the top, so that added almost another two inches to the top. I should get up more pictures of our kidding pens. I'm really happy with them.
  • They do have "goat panels" @ TSC but they are more expensive. I think most people are very happy with their cattle panels. I got mine  for $24 a piece at a farm supply store in MS about 20 minutes from my house. That was about $5 each cheaper than TSC which just opened an hour away. Shop around a bit before buying as prices very widely on these things.
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