I have taken some reference photos because I'm a very visual person, and seeing what I should be looking for really helps me. Are there any photos you guys would like to see? I will try to keep them in mind this year...
Doroitos has a contest for amaturers to make a commerical for the super bowl. One of the five finalists invovles a Niggie goat as the star. (I'm 99% sure it is a Niggie since his brother is a very colorful blue eyed boy that was used as a stand in
I'm so happy to have found you all, what a wonderful resource!
As a brief introduction I'm a chef, and I also love gardening and animals. For my culinary needs we're planning (still saving yet) to purchase land for a hobby farm to supply natur
just curious if any one else's doe has done this. For two days Annie has been mounting a younger, open doe and "talking" "bucky" to her. Not really blubbering just the "talking". Annie is so big she waddles and can't breathe right when she lays do
I'm considering adding a wether or two to our lil herd & training them to pull a cart .I was wondering if there is a difference in breed type as far as personality goes. I was thinking of adding a Boer or cross because of the weight it could pull,
My buck Bliss was thin when I bought him Sept 12th. Prev owner fed him what seemed to be a pretty extraordinary amount of grain- 3/4 of a plastic solo cup twice a day plus timothy pellets. Anyway, the most I've ever had to feed Miyagi was a handful
Hi everyone. I've milked goats before, but these are my first Nigerian Dwarfs. Since our goat lady moved, and 3 of my family can't have cow milk, I got the only goat in milk available. I also bought a doeling (that should be bred) from good milkin
Although I haven't been on since November due to continuing illness. Today I was happily blessed with triplets. We sold the two blue eyed girls to get the herd down to three does and two bucks. Today Misty stepped up to the plate and had three, 2 buc
Starting to get nervous about the goat getting close (Jan 29th, but I am going to check the dates again to be sure)...Trying to research as much as possible since just now she was huffing and puffing (could be the warmer weather getting to her)...Har
Hi everyone, I've tried two different milkers for my goats so far, and have pretty much given up on the vaccuum sealers for one goat - you know, the hand squeeze kind and and the vac. sealer kind. They just didn't work for us. I had terrible time
I am now laughing at being concerned about catching Capri in heat. Apparently, it worked. She is about two months along (or should be) and is getting wide. She is as big or bigger now as when I brought her home two weeks before Ginger was born. N
Ginger was in heat the weekend of November 17th and again the first of last week. She is again today (totally suprising me!) which is the third one in a month. There is no question because all three times, in addition to all the other symptoms, she
Hello All, To start out, I'm leaning towards purchasing two Nigerian doelings, having them bred and not deal with a buck this year. Today, an acquaintance has offered their two does turning 2 & 3 yrs old this coming year, Nubian mix, (unreg) as they
new to goats actually new to all of this really I started with chicks last year in feb so its almost a year since we started homesteading and trying to become more self sustained, We grew a bunch of veggies some did well some not so much. We