We only have 3 goats...2 does and one wether...How long should we pen each Doe and her offspring them separate?
Does due dates are Jan 29th and March 12th.
I am not planning to milk this time around so the babies will be sleeping with momma.
Should I separate my at night Does prior to birth? Currently all 3 are penned together in a 10x10 dog pen at night with 2 "dog houses" to sleep in which is close to the back of the house....I am thinking of moving the other 2 out of there and placing them in a different enclosure at night for the week prior to her kidding, so we can keep an eye on her, but letting her out to graze with them during the day.
Would love to know what others do about separating their herds.
Depends on the doe - first timers can take a little longer to get the hang of motherhood. Generally everyone is out in general population by day 3 if the babies are all strong and healthy and dam/kid bond seems strong. And depending on the weather and the doe I might lock them in a kidding stall at night. You are going to need another dog house or two when the babies arrive.