I am now laughing at being concerned about catching Capri in heat. Apparently, it worked. She is about two months along (or should be) and is getting wide. She is as big or bigger now as when I brought her home two weeks before Ginger was born. Now, I'm spending my hoping time hoping for twins and not quads or quints! She is a big as Wendy's doe who had quads and is only two weeks farther along than Capri. She is already more slowly hopping up on the bales of hay. I can still hope part of it is an active rumen. Wendy is feeling babies move already but I'm not sure if I would know the difference between babies and routine tummy activity. (I can hear some you shaking your head and wondering why I was worried.<g>)
Oh, and I have been making the most delicious cream cheese as shown on the video at Hoeger's site.