Health (988)

Pesticides in Alfalfa

Just wanted to share with you my experience on buying dairy hay yesterday. For the first time I had to buy alfalfa hay from another provider other than my parents who grow their own for the beef cattle. It is terribly dry in my area and we didnt have

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Views: 100

Health Certificate

I called and asked my vet clinic about getting a health certificate for goats going over to different states. The lady I talked to was quiet and it sounded like the certificate is only valid for 10 days? The vet who does goats was out so she had to l

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Views: 176

Skinny Buck

My buck Bliss was thin when I bought him Sept 12th.  Prev owner fed him what seemed to be a pretty extraordinary amount of grain- 3/4 of a plastic solo cup twice a day plus timothy pellets.  Anyway, the most I've ever had to feed Miyagi was a handful

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13 Replies
Views: 495

Goats are coughing

Ok everyone, I need some advice. I recently got an entire herd of goats. All most all of them were bred when I got them. I have a couple that have developed coughs. I am still very new to having Nigerians and I am worried about pneumonia. Since the t

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18 Replies
Views: 1757

Miscarriage?s Help!

I need some info about miscarriages! 

Does anyone know of any reason that multiple does would be bleeding besides a miscarriage...

any reasons for multiple does to miscarry besides copper deficiencies...

do I need to do anything... antibiotic shots o

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6 Replies
Views: 571


Double checking our herds feeding plan and supplements.  I thought I read a thread on here, and now I can't find it,  indicating that a nigerian needs about a tablespoon of black oil sunflower seeds a day.  I know more can be fed if a doe is in milk.

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Views: 141

Precocious Udder?


I have a 5 month old doeling who has developed an udder. I about fell over when I discovered it. After a lot of research, I found that its a legitimate issue that can happen to young, unbred Juniors--esp if they come from a high production milk

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13 Replies
Views: 6803

Hoof rot

So it has been very wet were we live and Monday I went to to trim hoofs and found that a few of the goats have hoof rot. It has only been 2 months since I last trimmed them and did not expect there hoofs to be so bad. They were not even that over gro

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4 Replies
Views: 406

Thread Worm Woes

This past spring, I had a terrible time with thread worms.  I used really good, holistic practices for parasite control, not putting the goats out on wet pasture, rotating their pen every day or two at most, and not going back to a space until it had

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10 Replies
Views: 189
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